Beta Testing Instructions

Thank You for Helping Us With Beta Testing!

Wordfence Central is a powerful and efficient way to manage the security of multiple sites in one place. We have completed extensive testing internally, and we are now ready to share it with a broader audience.

Please keep in mind that this is an early beta release. We do not recommend running it on a production site until the official release, but we consider this to be good quality beta code. Your input during the beta can help make Wordfence Central a success.

If you would like to report a bug or provide feedback, please email, which will create a ticket in our priority ticketing system in a private “beta testing” area for our developers. Please do not send support requests to this email address, as they will be deleted. This is only for reporting bugs and feedback related to the beta version of Wordfence Central.

How to Install the Beta Version of Wordfence

    1. Download the beta version (.ZIP file) to your desktop by clicking here.
    2. Remove Wordfence from your website by visiting the Plugins section, deactivating Wordfence and then deleting it. (Note: As long as you have not enabled “Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation”, your settings should be retained.)
    3. While still in the Plugins section, install the Beta version by clicking the “Add New” button at the top of the page, clicking “Upload Plugin” at the top of the page and then uploading the .zip file you downloaded in step 1, followed by clicking the “install now” button.
    4. Activate the plugin.

Once the Beta Version of Wordfence Is Installed

Installation itself can cause issues in rare cases, depending on your host’s configuration, so if you have any problems with the above, please send in a bug report. We would like you to provide as much test coverage as possible, so be sure to try out all of the features you normally use.

  1. Once you have installed Wordfence, verify that your website is functioning correctly. Check both the administration panel and the publicly visible portion of your site.
  2. Verify that your configuration settings are the same.
  3. Try to perform a scan and verify that your scan works. If not, when you report an issue, mention whether it was working before you upgraded to 7.2.0.
  4. Try out the firewall and blocking features, as well as the items on the Tools page.
  5. If you are technically able to do so, please check your website error log to see if Wordfence has generated any PHP errors.

Enable and Test Wordfence Central

  1. Visit this link and either log in or register for an account.
  2. Add your first site to Wordfence Central.
  3. Verify that you were able to add your site to Central successfully. If not, check the connection issues tab for details. If it appears that it is bug that you were not able to connect your site successfully, please report the issue.
  4. Verify that the information displayed on the Central dashboard under “Security Findings” is the same as you see in the plugin on your site.
  5. Verify that the information displayed on the Central dashboard under “Configuration” is the same as you see in the plugin on your site.
  6. Select some of the filters on the dashboard under “Highest Severity”, “License Type” and “License Status”. Verify that they filter your sites correctly.
  7. Select the “Findings” menu item. Verify that the information displayed here is the same as what you see in your website’s Wordfence scan.
  8. Select the icon under “Details” for one of your sites, then from that screen, select either “Launch Scan” or “Start new scan” and verify that the scan started, ran correctly and reported the scan results.
  9. From that scan results screen, select “Scan Options and Scheduling” which should display that site’s options & template. Verify that the settings are the same as on your site.

Optional Wordfence Central Testing

This testing is optional because it will modify configuration on your site or will require you to purchase a premium license. Please use with caution if you already have settings on your site that you are comfortable with.You may wish to export your current settings prior to making these modifications.

  1. Select configuration from the menu, this will take you to Central configuration where you then should select template and create a configuration template, then apply it to your site. Verify that the changes were applied by looking at your websites Wordfence configuration.
  2. Click on all sites, select a site, and modify the configuration and save. Verify that the configuration changes were applied by looking at your websites Wordfence configuration.
  3. Select premium from the menu and then click on the purchase license button. Follow the steps to purchase a premium license and install it on one of your sites. Once it has been installed, verify that your site shows it is using a premium license.
  4. Select account from the menu and make changes to your account information and verify that it saves correctly.

Thank you!

Thanks for participating in this program, helping to improve Wordfence, and helping us secure the WordPress community.

Finally, if you’re not already on the list and would like to participate in future beta testing efforts, please use the form below to join our beta tester mailing list.