Vulnerability Researcher Hall of Fame

Notice your discovered vulnerabilities are not all attributed to you under one name? Compile a list of all of your vulnerability discoveries from our database and email us at with your preferred name or alias. We will update all of your vulnerabilities to share the same name you provide us, so you can show off your discoveries all in one place.

Missing a vulnerability you discovered in WordPress Software? Submit any old or new vulnerabilities to our database using our Vulnerability Submission form.


Researcher Hall of Fame (All Time)

Rank Name
Total Vulnerabilities
141 Shivam Rai 16
142 Veshraj Ghimire 16
143 Zhouyuan Yang 16
144 Antony Garand 15
145 Ran Crane 15
146 Voxel@Night 15
147 Myungju Kim 15
148 RandomRoot 15
149 Tom Adams 15
150 Richard Telleng (stueotue) 14
151 bl4derunner 14
152 Am!r 14
153 Akbar Kustirama 14
154 Nitin Venkatesh 14
155 Ben Bidner 13
156 Hugo Santiago dos Santos 13
157 Chris Liu 13
158 Sean Murphy 13
159 Ivan Kuzymchak 13
160 Fayçal Chena 13

Did you know Wordfence Intelligence provides free personal and commercial API access to our comprehensive WordPress vulnerability database, along with a free webhook integration to stay on top of the latest vulnerabilities added and updated in the database? Get started today!

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Want to get notified of the latest vulnerabilities that may affect your WordPress site?
Install Wordfence on your site today to get notified immediately if your site is affected by a vulnerability that has been added to our database.

Get Wordfence

The Wordfence Intelligence WordPress vulnerability database is completely free to access and query via API. Please review the documentation on how to access and consume the vulnerability data via API.
