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Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
Image Source Control <= 2.17.0 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Log File CVE-2023-52187 5.3 Joshua Chan December 29, 2023
Everest Backup <= 2.1.9 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Log File CVE-2023-52185 7.5 Joshua Chan December 29, 2023
Affiliates Manager <= 2.9.30 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Log File CVE-2023-52148 5.3 Joshua Chan December 28, 2023
404 Solution <= 2.33.0 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Log File CVE-2023-52146 5.3 Joshua Chan December 28, 2023
Send Users Email <= 1.4.3 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Error Logs CVE-2023-52126 5.3 Mika December 28, 2023
FastDup <= 2.1.7 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Log File CVE-2023-51406 5.3 Joshua Chan December 27, 2023
Defender Security <= 4.1.0 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Log File CVE-2023-51490 5.3 Joshua Chan December 27, 2023
Database Cleaner <= 0.9.8 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Log File CVE-2023-51508 5.3 Joshua Chan December 27, 2023
eCommerce Product Catalog <= 3.3.26 - Sensitive Information Exposure via CSV Files CVE-2023-51688 5.3 Muhammad Daffa December 27, 2023
Product Catalog Simple <= 1.7.6 - Sensitive Information Exposure via Product CSV CVE-2023-51687 5.3 Muhammad Daffa December 27, 2023
WP Clone <= 2.4.2 - Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-6750 9.8 Dmitrii Ignatyev December 18, 2023
BackWPup <= 4.0.3 - Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-7164 7.5 Dmitrii Ignatyev December 18, 2023
Debug Log Manager <= 2.2.2 - Directory Listing to Sensitive Information Disclosure CVE-2023-6383 5.3 Dmitrii Ignatyev December 13, 2023
PayHere Payment Gateway <= 2.2.11 - Information Disclosure via Log Files CVE-2023-6064 5.3 Supun Halangoda December 7, 2023
Backup Migration <= 1.3.5 - Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-6271 9.8 Dmitrii Ignatyev December 7, 2023
WP STAGING WordPress Backup Plugin Free <= 3.1.2 and Pro <= 5.1.2 - Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-6113 5.3 Dmitrii Ignatyev December 6, 2023
Duplicator <= 1.5.7 AND Duplicator Pro < - Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-6114 9.8 Dmitrii Ignatyev December 4, 2023
AppMySite <= 3.11.0 - Unauthenticated Information Disclsoure CVE-2023-49762 5.3 Mika December 4, 2023
Importify <= 1.0.4 - Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-49194 5.3 Mika December 1, 2023
Backup Migration <= 1.3.6 - Unauthenticated Arbitrary Backup Download to Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-6266 7.5 Rafshanzani Suhada November 30, 2023

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