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Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
Demon image annotation <= 5.3 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection CVE-2023-40215 7.2 LEE SE HYOUNG August 10, 2023
TI WooCommerce Wishlist <= 2.7.3 - Unauthenticated Blind SQL Injection via Rest API 9.8 July 31, 2023
Quasar form <= 6.1 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) SQL Injection via 'id' CVE-2023-35910 8.8 Emili Castells July 24, 2023
WordPress Database Administrator <= 1.0.3 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection CVE-2023-3211 7.2 Christiaan Swiers (YouGina) July 24, 2023
WPML String Translation <= 3.2.5 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection via 'context' 7.2 Stephen July 24, 2023
Subscribe to Category <= 2.7.4 - Unauthenticated SQL Injection CVE-2023-32590 9.8 Mika July 20, 2023
Onepage Builder – Easiest Landing Page Builder For WordPress <= 2.4.1 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection CVE-2023-38391 7.2 minhtuanact July 20, 2023
WP Donate <= 1.4 - SQL Injection CVE-2015-10122 9.8 VulDB GitHub Commit Analyzer July 18, 2023
Contact Form to Any API <= 1.1.2 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection via 'form_id' CVE-2023-32741 7.2 Arvandy July 17, 2023
MultiParcels Shipping For WooCommerce <= 1.14.12 - Authenticated(Subscriber+) SQL Injection via id CVE-2023-2843 8.8 Dao Xuan Hieu July 17, 2023
WP Donate <= 1.4 - Unauthenticated SQL Injection in donate-display.php CVE-2015-10122 9.8 July 16, 2023
User Activity Log <= 1.6.2 - Unauthenticated SQL Injection via username 8.1 July 14, 2023
User Activity Log <= 1.6.2 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection CVE-2023-37966 7.2 LEE SE HYOUNG July 12, 2023
FluentForm <= 4.3.25 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection CVE-2023-24410 7.2 Ravi Dharmawan July 12, 2023
RSVPMaker <= 10.5.4 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection via 'resend' CVE-2023-29095 7.2 Rafi Priatna Kasbiantoro July 5, 2023
Coming Soon Page <= 1.5.9 - Authenticated (Administrator+) SQL Injection CVE-2022-46849 7.2 Le Ngoc Anh July 5, 2023
SP Project & Document Manager <= 4.67 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) SQL Injection CVE-2023-36677 8.8 Le Ngoc Anh June 30, 2023
Short URL <= 1.6.4 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) SQL Injection CVE-2022-46860 8.8 Le Ngoc Anh June 28, 2023
Houzez CRM <= 1.3.4 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) SQL Injection CVE-2023-36529 8.8 Dave Jong June 27, 2023
WPJobBoard <= 5.9.0 - Unauthenticated SQL Injection CVE-2023-36525 9.8 Vladislav Pokrovsky (ΞX.MI) June 27, 2023

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