Wordfence Research and News

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Top 50 Most Attacked WordPress Plugins This Week

Last week we shared the top 20 most attacked WordPress themes and an explanation of why many of them are targeted. This week we’ve dug deep into the data and we are publishing the top 50 most attacked WordPress plugins during the past 7 days. The data we’re sharing today is based on the following …
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404 to 301 Plugin Considered Harmful

Yesterday we received a site cleaning request where one of our customers was seeing spammy links, Payday Loans in this case, injected into their WordPress website page content.

Vulnerability in User Role Editor – Users Can Become Admins

There is a major vulnerability in a popular plugin with over 300,000 active installs: User Role Editor 4.24 and older.

How Attackers Gain Access to WordPress Sites

On this blog we write a lot about different vulnerabilities that could lead to site compromise.

A Backdoored WordPress Plugin and 3 Additional Vulnerabilities

We have several plugin vulnerabilities we’d like to bring to your attention this week.