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CVE ID Unknown
Jan 10, 2023
Researcher: indoushka
CVE ID Unknown
Nov 13, 2023
Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
WP-RecentComments <= 2.2.7 - Unauthenticated Information Exposure CVE-2023-23886 5.3 Nguyen Anh Tien February 22, 2023
Mega Main Menu <= 2.2.2 - Information Disclosure 5.3 indoushka January 10, 2023
WooCommerce <= 7.0.0 - Authenticated(Shop Manager+) Sensitive Information Exposure 4.9 David Anderson September 11, 2023
Sprout Invoices <= 20.5.3 - Sensitive Information Exposure 4.3 November 13, 2023
Popup by Supsystic <= 1.10.19 - Missing Authorization to Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-46197 4.3 Rafshanzani Suhada October 18, 2023
WordPress Core <= 6.3.1 - Authenticated(Contributor+) Sensitive Information Exposure via Comments on Protected Posts CVE-2023-39999 4.3 Rafie Muhammad, Jb Audras October 12, 2023
Booster for WooCommerce <= 7.1.1 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) Information Disclosure via Shortcode CVE-2023-40002 4.3 Dave Jong October 4, 2023
Vrm 360 3D Model Viewer <= 1.2.1 - Authenticated(Subscriber+) Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-5177 4.3 Jonatas Souza Villa Flor September 25, 2023
Easy Registration Forms <= 2.1.1 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) Information Disclosure via Shortcode CVE-2023-5134 4.3 István Márton September 22, 2023
Booster for WooCommerce <= 7.1.0 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) Information Disclosure via Shortcode CVE-2023-4796 4.3 István Márton September 13, 2023
Simple Blog Card <= 1.31 - Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-4036 4.3 Erwan LR August 3, 2023
Zippy <= 1.6.1 - Authenticated (Contributor+) Sensitive Information Disclosure CVE-2023-26533 4.3 Junsu Yeo March 30, 2023
W4 Post List <= 2.4.5 - Information Disclosure via post_excerpt CVE-2023-1371 4.3 Erwan LR March 22, 2023
WP Tiles <= 1.1.2 - Authenticated(Subscriber+) Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-1426 4.3 Erwan LR March 16, 2023
Upload Resume <= 1.2.0 - Authenticated Sensitive Information Disclosure via resume_upload_form_list shortcode CVE-2023-25965 4.3 Myungju Kim February 23, 2023
WP Client Reports <= 1.0.16 - Missing Authorization to Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-23978 4.3 Rafshanzani Suhada January 20, 2023
Job Manager & Career <= 1.4.3 - Sensitive Information Exposure CVE-2023-5906 3.7 Dmitrii Ignatyev November 6, 2023
WP Job Openings <= 3.4.2 - Information Exposure CVE-2023-4933 3.7 Dmitrii Ignatyev September 25, 2023
Freesoul Deactivate Plugins <= - Information Disclosure CVE-2023-22687 3.7 Justiice January 13, 2023

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