Video – Introduction to WordPress Security
The WordPress Security Learning Center
Video – Introduction to WordPress Security

3.0: Video – Introduction to WordPress Security

Updated September 30, 2024

Video Transcript

WordPress is by far the most popular platform for building websites, powering 34% of them worldwide. But popularity comes with a downside. Hackers like to target WordPress because it allows them to infect a huge number of websites at the same time by using automated attacks.

Most attacks on WordPress sites are conducted by bots, programs written by a hacker to perform attacks for them. In many cases, large groups of bots, or botnets, attack thousands of sites simultaneously. Hackers sometimes target high-value sites manually, allowing them to make more devious decisions about how to attack and avoid detection.

Hackers attack websites for a number of reasons:

  • To use the server to send spam
  • To host malicious content
  • To steal your website data
  • To spamvertise
  • Or to use your server to attack other web sites
  • All of these activities can have a negative impact on your business and reputation

It is important for you to follow these best practices to keep your site secure:

  • Use strong passwords
  • Choose a reputable hosting provider
  • Keep WordPress, your themes and plugins up to date
  • Use an intrusion detection and protection service like Wordfence, as an additional layer of security
  • Remove all old and unmaintained web applications from your web server
  • Ensure that there are no sensitive temporary files lying around on your web server
  • And if you use a source code repository, make sure that the configuration files are not visible on your website

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